That’s what is left between the normal everyday life we’ve grown accustomed to and… and… well we don’t know yet, that’s sort of the point. At times, it feels like we’re not actually doing anything all that original or different. If you look around there lots of people who have forged this path before “One Year to blah blah blah”. Knowing that is probably one of the reasons it was easier to commit to doing. On the other hand, our computers are connected to seemingly infinite examples of things you like / relate to / aspire to. When you walk away from that, and go back to real life, you remember that just because lots of other people have done something, doesn’t make it “normal” for everyone, but rather something that requires a certain amount of explanation. In conversations, you need to understand the audience – where are they coming from, what experiences do they have. Having gone through about 4 months now where just about everyone we interact with an a daily basis has found out that we are leaving our jobs for one year, taking the kids out of school and going to see the world meant we’ve had this conversation a lot of times. You can usually tell from the first 2-3 questions what the other person thinks about the idea. As with anything, there’s a spectrum of responses that ranges everywhere between “That’s the best idea ever, I’m going to try to do the same thing” (most interactions) to “That’s the worst idea ever, why would ever think that was worth doing” (no body has actually said this – either their too polite, or I put the lower bound way to far over and perhaps nobody actually thinks this – either way works for me!
So four days left – that’s how much work I have. Darla finished up a couple of weeks ago and switched from high productivity days at work, to high productivity days working at this adventure. This time next week we’ll both be into it, then the kids have another week of school before it all begins with summer holidays. My immediate project is to get this site up & running. I think the sooner I can get it online, the more likely I am to add to it and make it something fun for you to read. So on that note, time for me to wrap up a few remaining things that stand between the first draft and something going live. Talk to you again soon.